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Marcos Zurita

Was Sigmund Freud the revolutionary genius who changed our way of thinking or was he a charlatan who stole theories from others? Recognized experts, animators, comics and musicians reflect on the influence of Freudian thought in our culture. No revolution is carried out without it generating an opposite reaction. Forced by the context of his time, Freud tried to anticipate his enemies by exposing his ideas with a thorough argumentative quality. Several voices spoke against it, both within and outside psychoanalysis. Despite that, the Freudian theory established itself in Western culture. The id, ego, and super-ego. Free association, unconscious, the Freudian slip. There’s no area in the world of ideas, healthcare, or the arts that hasn’t been touched by some Freudian concept. More Alive than Dead aims at the certainties and controversies of the man behind Freudian ideas. In an equal yet different world of post-truth and alternative facts, where good arguments are faced with slogans, and theories by ironic commentaries, Freudian ideas are still very present, very much so.
Marcos Zurita, Critique,  Buenos Aires, Argentina

Explore Sigmund Freud's captivating legacy in the groundbreaking documentary "More Alive Than Dead." Renowned experts provide insights into Freud's revolutionary impact, examining how his influential ideas continue transforming modern life. This cinematic journey challenges perceptions, offering a nuanced understanding of psychoanalysis and its profound cultural influence. Don't miss this unparalleled intellectual odyssey redefining our view of one of history's most thought-provoking figures.
Sigmund Freud realm unconscious mind sway desires influence footprint humanity corner life documentary techniques psychoanalysis impact health treatment education corridors psychology childhood landscape fashion symbolism runway book humor work "Jokes Unconscious" comedy bible depths politics economics behaviors foundations advertising marketing masterpiece contributions interviews dramatizations history labyrinth pilgrimage odyssey attention perceptions guide figures understanding world journey
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